green ideas

Ways Hotels are Helping to


  • Meeting and banquet facilities are using pourers for sugar, pitchers for cream and small serving dishes for butter and jellies.
  • A Toronto hotel is recycling stained tablecloths into napkins, chef's aprons and neckties.
  • Bicycles are being loaned or rented to guests.
  • Coins or chips are being used for car parking and coat checking instead of paper tickets.
  • Hotels are making cloth laundry bags from retired sheets.
  • Mowed landscaping is being replaced by ground cover. Lawnmowers are used less, so air pollution and noise are reduced.
  • A Florida hotel bought a mulcher to chop up their garden clippings and create their own mulch. The mulcher paid for itself in three months.
  • A Wisconsin B&B has installed beautiful blue floor tile made from recycled automobile windshields.
  • Chief engineers have found that toilet tank fill diverters in older toilets save about 3/4 of a gallon of water per flush.
  • A Pennsylvania property has a 400' garden and produces organically-grown vegetables for its restaurant.
  • Restaurants and bars in hotels are using daylight exclusively for as much of each day as possible.
  • Solar energy is lighting signage and heating water for hotels in tropical areas.

Ways You Can Help


  • Share seeds and plant cuttings with friends and neighbors to make our Earth greener!
  • If you can't use cloth diapers all the time, use them when you can--when you're at home or at least on weekends.
  • Buy or make some inexpensive cloth napkins to use instead of sending thousands of paper napkins to the dump each year.
  • When you see a streetlight burning during the daytime, report it to the local light company. Keep calling until the repair is made.
  • Rarely do we need to use the amount of detergent recommended. Use about half or two-thirds of a measure, and then adjust with each load.
  • Don't throw anything out of your car windows, and don't let any of your passengers throw anything out either. Keep our countryside clean and beautiful.
  • Install dimmers on light switches and save electricity. We don't always need full lighting.
  • Use of pesticides and all lawn and garden chemicals should be kept to the absolute minimum necessary. The detrimental effects of these chemicals are multipl ied as they are washed by rainwater into our sewers and then into our waterways.
  • Direct rainwater downspouts into gardens rather than into the street so that plantings can benefit.
  • Turn off the lights and TV, and close the drapes when you leave your hotel room.