Florida Coastal Management Program, Marriott Hotel, Daytona Beach, Florida, 11:30 am, Wednesday, January 25, 1995, Citizens Advisory Committee on Coastal Resources Management Workshop. Contact: Jeanne Desrosiers, Dept of Community Affairs, Florida Coastal Management Program, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100, 904/922-5438, Fax 904/487-2899; Speech: Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve; Length: 30 minutes; Attendees: 50+
IX Asonahores National Convention (Ninth National Association of Hotels and Restaurants Convention), Dominican Fiesta Hotel, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 11 am, Saturday, September 30, 1995. Contact: Lic. Pedro Garrido LI., Executive Director, Asociacion Nacional De Hoteles y Restaurantes, Inc., Ave. Mexico No. 66, Edif. Perez & Cia., Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, 809/687-4676, Fax 809/687-4727; Speech: Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve; Length: one hour; Attendees: 100

Branson Hotel/Motel Association monthly meeting, sponsored by the City of Branson, Bonanza Restaurant, breakfast meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 1996, 9:30 am. Contact: Debbie Redford, Health Department, City of Branson, P. O. Box 1309, Branson, MO 65615, 417/337-9551, Fax 417/336-5551, Note: City of Branson kicks off its Environmental Excellence Campaign at local hotel/motel monthly meeting; Speech: Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve; Length: one hour; Attendees: 100.
Professional Association of Innkeepers Intl. (PAII) Bi-Annual Convention, Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, March 20, 1996, 1:15 pm-3:45 pm. Contact: Leslie McGann, Office Coordinator, PAII, P. O. Box 90710, Santa Barbara, CA 93190, 805/569-1853, Fax 805/682-1016; Speech: Greening Your Inn for the '90s Upscale Guest, Length: 66 minutes + Q&A; Attendees: 30-40. Audio tape No. IK9629 may be ordered from ACTS, 800/642-2287 for $14 + $2 shipping.
Puerto Rico Hotel & Tourism Association Annual Convention, Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Wednesday, September 11, 1996. Contact: Erin Benitez, Exec VP, Puerto Rico Hotel & Tourism Assn., Ste. 702, Ponce de Leon 954, Santurce, PR 00907, 809/725-2901, Fax 809/725-2913. Speech: Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve; Length: 30 minutes, Convention cancelled due to Hurricane Hortense.
Washington State Hotel & Motel Association Annual Meeting, Wenatchee, Washington, Friday, September 20, 1996, 1:30-3:30 pm. Contact: Karol Ridout, Washington State Hotel & Motel Assn., 3605 - 132 Avenue SE, Suite 320, Bellevue, WA 98006, 800/943-1121, Fax 206/957-4587. Workshop: Going Green...The Environmental, Guest & Financial Impact; Length: 30 minutes; Attendees: 25

Kansas Lodging Association Annual Meeting, Hutchison, Kansas, Tuesday, October 29, 1996, 2-3 pm. Contact: Kevin Robertson, Kansas Lodging Association, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 702, Topeka, KS 66603-3758, 913/233-9344, Fax 913/357-6629. Presentation: Going Green (Save Water and Energy While You're Saving Money! ; Sponsored by AMEX/AHMA "Partnership for Growth", Length: 1 hour; Attendees: 35
South Carolina Dept. of Health and Environmental Control, 1997 Recycling Coordinators' Workshop,, The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Greenville, SC, March 19, 1997, 3-4 pm, with Thomas L. Sponseller, President/CEO, Hospitality Assn. of South Carolina , Contact: Pam Bergstand, SC DHEC, BSHWM, Office of Recycling, 2600 Ball Street, Columbia, SC 29201, Phone: 803/896-4236, Fax: 803/896-4001, Speech: You Can Help Green Hotels Conserve and Save, Length: one hour, Attendees: 100
Alamo Area Council of Governments, Green Hotel Workshop. Four Points Riverwalk North Hotel by ITT Sheraton, San Antonio, Texas, May 6, 1997, 1:30-4:30 pm, with Rebecca Lallier, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Contact: Lisa Kaplan, AACOG, Phone: 210/362-5200, Fax: 210/225-5937. Length: 3 hours, Attendees: 6
The Recycling Coalition of Texas, The Texas Corporate Recycling Council, the Texas General Land Office, and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission's Texas Recycling Summit, Austin, Texas, October 7, 1997, 8 am - 9:30 am. Contact: W. Woody Raine, PE, Community Recycling Team Leader, TNRCC, 512/239-1000, Fax 512/239-6763. Speech: Green Traveling and Green Meetings, Length: 1.5 hours; Attendees: 20
Presentation to Meeting Professionals International meeting, Knowledge Quest '98; A World of Opportunity, Minnespolis, MN, Earle Brown Heritage Center, Thursday, March 19, 1998, 10:30-11:30 am. Contact: Jeff Stuhr, Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance, 800/657-3843, 612/215-0218, Fax 612/215-0246. Speech: How Green Are Your Meetings? , The meeting industry is turning green (for planners and suppliers)! Come and hear what this Texas farm-owner and avid traveler has to say! Learning what to ask for and what may be offered can help you choose a facility that will respond to your wishes regarding the protecton of the environment. By asking questions, you can make your meeting and lodging facilities more environmentally friendly!, Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 15-20

Presentation to Hawaii Hotel Association's 165th General Membership Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, Friday, June 19, 1998, 2-3:30 pm. Contact: Murray Towill, President, Hawai'i Hotel Association, 2250 Kalakaua Avenue #404-4, Honolulu, HI 96815-2564, 808/923-0407, Fax 808/924-3843, Speech: "Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve"; Length: 1.5 hours, Attendees: 35
Presentation to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's 16th Annual Solid Waste Conference, Radisson South Hotel, Bloomington, Minnesota, Wednesday, February 24, 3-4:30 pm. Contact: Fay James, Conference Coordinator, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155-4194, 651/296-7394, Speech: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Radisson?; How to Help Minnesota Hotels Green Up", Length 1.5 hours, Attendees: 35
Keynote speaker at Southern Delaware Tourism's first conference on green hoteling: Inn-Keeping with the Environment, Dover, Delaware, Tuesday, March 16, 1999, 8:30 am-1 pm. Contact: Cindy Small, Executive Director, Sussex County Convention & Tourism Commission, P. O. Box 240, Georgetown, DE 19947, 302/856-1818, Fax 302/856-5713, Speech: "Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve", Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 50
Presentation to Owners and General Managers of Meyer Jabara Hotels' 21 hotels in 13 states, Holiday Inn Clinton, Clinton, New Jersey, Wednesday, April 28, 1999, 9 am, Contact: Ronald J. Costa, Vice President Administrative Support, Meyer Jabara Hotels, 105 Newtown Road, Danbury, CT 06810, 203/798-1099, Fax 203/798-2620. Speech: Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve, Length, 1 hour, Attendees: 50
Presentation at NYC WasteLe$$ Seminar for Stadiums, Arenas, and Convention Centers (facility managers and event planners), New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, 810 Seventh Avenue, Manhattan, Wednesday, July 14, 1999, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. Contact: Jeanne Carlson, SAIC, Admiral's Gate, 221 Third Street, Newport, RI 02840, 401/847-4210, Fax 401/849-1585. Speech: "Planning Efficient Meetings and Conventions", Length: 40 minutes, Attendees: 20

Presentation at Governor's Tourism Conference, Dover, Delaware, Monday, October 18, 1999, 10:45-11:45 am. Contact: Janet E. Wurtzel, Tourism Development Manager, Delaware Tourism Office, 99 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901, 800/441-8846, 302/739-4271, Fax 302/739-5749. Speech: "The Color of Money", Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 10.
Presentation for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002, "EcoWorks 2002 Initiative", May 17, 2000, 8:45-9:15 a.m. and 1:45-2:15 p.m., Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT. Contact: Dave Workman, SLOC, 257 East 200 South, SLC, UT 84103, 801/212-2306, Fax 801/364-7644. Speech: "44 Ways Hotels Can Conserve and Save Money", Length 30 minutes, Attendees: 60.
Telephone-conference presentation for P2 Information Center for Islands, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (participant locations included Hawaii, Samoa, American Samoa, Guam, Western Samoa and Palau), May 25, 2000, 7 - 9 p.m. Contact: Peter Rappa, 808/956-3978, Fax 808/956-3980, e-mail: rappa@Hawaii.edu. Speech: "44 Ways Hotels Can Conserve and Save Money". Length: 2 hours, Participants: 25.
Presentation to High Country Citizens' Alliance's Second Annual Sustainable Communities Symposium, Crested Butte, Colorado, Saturday, September 23, 2000. Contact Vicki Shaw, High Country Citizens' Alliance, 724 Elk Avenue, P. O. Box 1066, Crested Cutte, CO 81224, 970/349-7104, Fax 970/349-0164, www.sni.net/hcca, e-mail: vickis@csn.net, Speech: "67 Ways Hotels Can Conserve and Save Money", Length: 1.5 hours, Attendees: 15.

The view from a Fairmont Banff balcony, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Presentation at Texas Recycling Coalition Summit: "Coalition 2000", Radisson Astrodome, Houston, Texas, Wednesday, October 18, 2000. Contact: Marilyn May, TCRC President, e-mail: nitemar2000@home.com. Speech: "44 Ways Hotels Can Conserve and Save Money", Length: 30 minutes, Attendees: 12
Presentation at Waste Issue Spotlight: Hotels & Motels, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center and Jefferson County Waste Management District, Louisville, KY, Thursday, February 15, 2001, 8:10-9:40 am, Executive West Inn. Contact: Rick Saylor, Environmental Planner, 502/574-8441, Fax 502/574-8188, e-mail: rsaylor@co.jefferson.ky.us. Speech: "Green Hotels Save Money When They Conserve", Length 1.5 hours, Attendees: 20.
Presentation at Carolina Recycling Association's 11th Annual Conference and Trade Show, Hospitality Workshop, Thursday, March 15, 2001, 4-5:15 pm, Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, SC. Contact: Kim Henley, CRA, 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 207, Raleigh, NC 27607, 919/851-8444, Fax 919/851-6009, kimh@cra-recycle.org. Contact: Tom Rhodes, Hospitality Specialist, North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, 1639 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1639, 919/715-6516, Fax 919/715-6794, Tom.Rhodes@ncmail.net. Speech: "42 Ways To Conserve and Save as Green Hotels Do", Length 45 min., Attendees: 10
Live Radio Interview on KWMR 90.5FM with Lauri Sturdivant, Information Coordinator, West Marin Public Waste, P. O. Box 11, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956, Recycle Hotline 800/842-7200, 415/663-1427, Fax 415/663-8037, e-mail: lauris@svn.net, Thursday, February 21, 2002, 5:30-6:15 pm PST, Length 45 min.
Presentation at the Tribal Hotel and Casino Pollution Prevention Workshop, March 14, 2002, Black Bear Hotel Conference Center, Lake Hall, Carlton, MN, 10:10am-11:10am. Fond du Lac Reservation Environmental Program, Deanna Himango, Pollution Prevention Specialist, 1720 Big Lake Road, Cloquet, MN 55720, 218/879-1494, Fax 218/879-4854, deannahimango@fdirez.com. Speech: "'Thinking Green' Hospitality Pollution Prevention Tips", Length 60 min, Attendees: 65
Presentation at Great Lakes State Chapter of the Society of Government Meeting Planners Education Meeting, Wednesday, April 17, 2002, Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Lansing, MI, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Lynn McNamara, CPS, Michigan Dept. Of Civil Rights, Office of Workplace Learning, 110 West Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Lansing, MI 48913, 517/241-4067, Fax 517/373-6501, McNamaraL@michigan.gov, www.sgmpgreatlakes.org. Speech: "Recycle, Reduce, Reuse: How to Green Your Meetings". Length 45 min., Attendees: 34
Presentation at the Tribal Casino Waste Reduction and Recycling Training, sponsored by the Tribal Solid Waste Advisory Network and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and hosted by the Coeur d'Alene Casino and Resort Hotel and the Makah Nation, Worley, Idaho, August 22, 2002, 9:30 am. Contact: Kami Snowden, Executive Director, TSWAN, 635 Marcella Lane, Cheney, WA 99004, P/F 509/235-6007, e-mail: ksnowden_tswan@centurytel.net. Speech: "67 Ways Hotels Can Conserve and Save Money", Length: 1.5 hours, Attendees: 32.

Keynote Address II at the 2nd Annual Sustainability Conference, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy. Grand Casino Biloxi Bayview Convention Center, Biloxi, MS. Contact: Nicole Anderson, nanderson@tnc.org, 228/872-8452. Thursday, March 27, 2002, 1:45 - 2:40 pm + Q&A, Speech: "Green Hotel Practices", Length: 40 minutes, Attendees: 200+.
Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Workshops, 10 am to 2 pm, Monday, March 22, Maumee Bay Resort, Oregon; Tuesday, March 23, Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron; and Wednesday, March 24, Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Contact: Melinda Huntley, Sandusky, OH 44870, 419/609-0399, huntley@coastalohio.com, Speech: "Save Money while Saving Lake Erie," Length: 12:15-1:45 pm, Attendees: 22Mar04 30, 23Mar04 45, 24Mar04 32
The 5th Annual Coastal Development Strategies Conference, May 10-12, 2004, Grand Casino Biloxi, Bayview Convention Center, Biloxi, MS, Contact: Joan Murphy, Projects Officer, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, 228/374-5022x5380, Joan.Murphy@DMR.state.ms.us, Casino Smart Growth Initiative Breakout Session, Speech: "Casino & Hotel Smart Growth Initiative," May 12, 2004, 12:30-1:30 and 1:30-2:30 pm, Attendees: 5, 3
Sixth Annual "Innovating Social Change Conference," Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Contact: Joanne Nelson, MBA Candidate, Class of 2005, 847/207-1987, jnelson2005@kellogg.northwestern.edu. Panelist on Environment & Sustainability Track, Sustainable Sourcing, 12 noon-1:15pm, October 6, 2004, 3 panelists. Attendees: 70.
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Tourism, Hilton Lake Placid, NY, The Center for the Advancement of Sustainable Tourism, 67 Main Street, Suite 200, P. O. Box 747, Saranac Lake, NY 12983, 518/891-5523, Fax 518/891-9820, www.cast-online.com. Contact: Emma Changelo, e-mail: emma@cast-online.com. Panelist on "The New Business Planning Model: Making Green by Being Green; Part 1: the Outside," 3 panelists, Tuesday, May 3, 3-5 pm, Attendees: 20
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Tourism, Hilton Lake Placid, NY, The Center for the Advancement of Sustainable Tourism, 67 Main Street, Suite 200, P. O. Box 747, Saranac Lake, NY 12983, 518/891-5523, Fax 518/891-9820, www.cast-online.com. Contact: Emma Changelo, e-mail: emma@cast-online.com. Panelist on "How can you improve your infrastructure to improve your profits? Everything you should know to improve your business' sustainability. Part 2: the inside," 3 panelists, Wednesday, May 4, 10:30-12:30 am, Attendees: 10
Hotel Association of Washington, DC's Energy Conservation Day, Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 10:00 to 10:15 am, Speech: Green Hotels will provide tips for hotels on how to conserve energy and waste costs, Four Points Sheraton, 1201 K Street, NW. Contact: Liz DeBarros, Director of Public Relations & Government Affairs, 202/289-6016, Fax 202/289-8849, elizabeth@hawdc.com. Attendees: 70
2nd Congress with Innovation Fair, Sustainable Management in Action, September 19-20, 2005, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Contacts: Hubert Klun (hklun@urbanet.ch, hklun@smia.info, +41 21 646-5980), SMIA 20, avenue du Grey / CH-1004 Lausanne, +41 21 646 59 80, Fax. +41 21 646-5935 or Prof. James Holleran (james.holleran@ehl.ch, +41 21 785-1442). Monday 19Sep05, 4pm, Workshop 2: Tourism & Hospitality Sustainability, "Green Hotels Succeed," Attendees: 20
InnSpire 2007, California Association of Bed & Breakfasts Inns' (CABBI) 15th Annual Conference and Trade Show, Irvine Marriott in Orange County, CA, Tuesday, January 30, 2006, 11:30am - 12:45pm, Contact: Diana Rose or Kathy Mohler, Managing Director, dir 831/600-4640, CABBI, 2715 Porter Street, Suite 104, Soquel, CA 95073, www.cabbi.com, kathy@cabbi.com, Speech: "Save Money, Save the Environment--Think Green!," Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 120
Setting the Standard, Flik Conference Center Manager's Meeting, Larry Bossidy Learning Center, Morristown, NJ, Neil Gardner, VP Conference & Training Centers, FLIK International Corp, 914/935-5404, Fax 704/295-5964, neil.gardner@compass-usa.com, Speech: "Save Money, Save the Environment--Think Green!," Wednesday, April 18, 2007, 12:45p-2pm. Attendees: 60
Panelist for "The Green Movement in Hospitality," 2007 Hall of Honor Week Think Tank Series, The Conrad n. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 10 - 10:55 am. Moderator, Nicole Fabian, Graduate Student, Conrad N. Hilton College. Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 73
"Tomorrow's Environment Going Green," Strategic Development, Tecton Hospitality Conference, Miami Science Museum, Lisa I. Perez, SPHR, VP of Human Resources, 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1400, Miami, FL 33131, 305/577-8484, Fax 305/577-8228, lisa@tectonhospitality.com, Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 9:30am-10:30am. Length: 1 hour, Attendees: 40
2008 Sales & Marketing Summit, Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts, Tenaya Lodge, Fish Camp, CA, Deb Collins, VP Corporate Sales & Marketing, deblogic7@yahoo.com, Fresno, CA, Speech: "GREEN MEETINGS: How to Sell and Market a Green Meeting," Tuesday, March 3,2008, 3:30-4:30pm. Length: 1.5 hours, Attendees: 80

These HUGE recycling collection bins in Bucharest, Romania, are seen everywhere throughout the city.
"Green Practices for the Hotel & Restaurant Industry for the Republican National Convention & Beyond," Minnesota Lodging, Restaurant and Resort & Campground Association, Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Crowne Plaza St. Paul Riverfront, 11 Kellogg Blvd. East, St. Paul, MN, Ashley Folsom, Education & Events Manager, 651/778-2400, Fax 651/778-2424, ashley@hospitalitymn.com, "Green Practices for the Hotel & Restaurant Industry, 10-10:30am, Length: 30 minutes, Attendees: 80
Annual Caribbean Tourism Summit (ACTS), International Trade Center, Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC, June 21-24, 2008, Caribbean Tourism Organization, 80 Broad Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10004, 212/635-9530x214, Jeremy Garrett, Conference Director, (jeremy@msemgmt.com); Sylma Brown Bramble, Deputy Director, Projects & Administration, www.OneCaribbean.org, www.CaribbeanTravel.com, "Creating Opportunity Through Sustainability: Green Hotels Association®," Moderator: Lalia Rach, Rach Enterprises, 212/473-0877, laliarach@rachenterprises.com, Length: 20 minutes, Attendees: 50
21st Annual Hunter Hotel Investment Conference, March 15-17, 2009, Marriott Marquis, 265 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA, Contacts: Bob Hunter, Hunter Hotel Investment Conference, hunerconference.com, 300 Galleria Parkway, Suite 620, Atlanta, GA 3339, 770/916-0300, Fax 770/916-0301, bobhunter@hunterhotels.net. Nancy Petenbrink, Conference Coordinator, nancy.petenbrink@hunterhotels.net. Roundtable Discussions: Going Green, Monday, March 16, 2009, 3:30-5:15p, Attendees: 30. Breakout Sessions: Session B: The Green Conundrum; Panel Discussion, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 11a-noon, Attendees: 28.
The Michigan Governor's Conference; DRIVING TOURISM 2009, March 23-24, 2009, Detroit Marriott, Detroit, MI. Contacts: Steve Yencich, President & CEO; Lindsay Weismiller, Operations Coordinator, lindsayp@michiganhotels.com, 517/267-8989, Fax 517/267-8990. Lowering Operational Costs Through Eco-Friendly Practices, Monday, March 23, 2009, 3:45-4:45p, Length: One Hour, Attendees: 30.
Keynote Speaker, Be Green in The Little Apple conference, Green Initiatives Conference during National Tourism Week, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 9:30:-3:30pm, Manhattan Fire Station, 2000 Denison Avenue, Manhattan, KS, Contact: Summer Dierks, Convention Sales Manager, Manhattan Convention & Visitors Bureau, summer@manhattan.org, 800/759-0134, 785/776-8829, Fax 785/776-0679, manhattancvb.org, "Greening Through Minimizing"10:45-11:45am, Length: One Hour, Attendees: 25.
Hospitality Forum, McAllen Convention & Visitors Bureau, Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 8-11am, Quinta Mazatlan, McAllen, Texas. Contact: Nancy Millar, VP and Director McAllen CVB, McAllen CofC, P. O. Box 790, 1200 Ash Avenue, McAllen, TX 78505-0790, 877/mcallen, 956/682-2871, nmillar@mcallencvb.com and Jim Dueser, jdeuser@mcallencvb.com, "Greening Hotels and Tourism," 9:45-10:30 am, Attendees: 60. Nancy Millar stated, "Patty's presentation was a hit! It lit a fire under our hoteliers, who are now primed to become greener thanks to the information she conveyed. The presentation emphasized how individual hotels can save money by becoming more sustainable, and in these times of economic troubles, it was a message well received. Her presentation has made a huge difference for McAllen's sustainable future."
Cleaning Products 2009: Forever Green?, Tuesday, November 3, 2009, Hilton Old Town, Alexandria Virginia. Contact: Valerie King, Conference Producer, Intertech Pira, 207/781-9616, Fax 207/781-2150, valerie.king@pira-international.com, 19 Northbrook Drive, Portland, ME 04105. "Green hotels save money when they conserve . . . ," 9:15a-9:45a, Length: 30 min, Attendees: 45.
2010 World Green Energy Symposium, Pennsylvania Convention Center, West Concourse 13th Arch Street, Philadelphia. PA, Grand Hall, Street Level, Friday, October 22, 2010, 10:15-11:15 am, Expert Lecturer on Panel on "Ecotourism Reducing the Carbon Footprint in Meetings, Conferences and Travel." worldgreenenergysymposium.us, Contact: Professor Robert Gallagher, professor@worldgreenenergysymposium.us. Length: One Hour, Attendees: ?
University of Nevada Las Vegas Singaport Campus, "Greening Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing and Exhibitions," Professor Rosanna Fung's Class, Monday, April 25, 2011, 7p, live Skype webcam, 35 attendees
"Connection of Textile Recycling and Green Hotels Association®," SMART Regional Meeting (smartasn.org), Jackie King, Executive Director, Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Assn., 2105 Laurel Bush Road, Suite 200, Bel Air, MD 21015, 443/640-1050x105, Fax 443/640-1086, jackie@kingmgmt.org, Hotel ZaZa, Houston, TX, 6-9 pm, Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 15 minutes, 70 attendees
"Making the Case for Greening," 1st Annual Green Cleaning and Sustainability Expo, Holiday Inn at Town Center, Fort Myers, FL 33913. Terry Cerullo, Environmental Administrator, Ombudsman/Outreach, Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, South District, Fort Myers, FL 33902, 239/344-5647, terry.cerullo@dep.state.fl.us, Thursday, September 27, 2012, 2:15-3 pm, 45 min, 30 attendees
"Environmentalism Means Good Health," 1st Annual Green Cleaning and Sustainability Expo, Holiday Inn at Town Center, Fort Myers, FL 33913. Terry Cerullo, Environmental Administrator, Ombudsman/Outreach, Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, South District, Fort Myers, FL 33902, 239/344-5647, terry.cerullo@dep.state.fl.us, Friday, September 28, 2012, 1:15-2 pm, 45 min, 10 attendees
"The new paths toward hotel efficiency and profitability," Track 1, Side Session IV: "Finance sustrinability by saving. Energy efficiency.," Hospitality Indusry World Congress. Bruno Halle, bhalle@magmatrihc.com. Fira Barcelona, Gran Via premises, Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 11:15a-noon, 10 minutes, 25 attendees
Patricia is an American Hotel & Lodging Association Recommended Speaker.
Note to AHLA Federated State Associations: Funds may be available through American Express' "Partnership for Growth" program for the educational session provided by Ms. Griffin.
- Introduction
- Recycling
- Water Savings
- 1.6 Toilets
- Cleaning Chemicals
- Energy Savings
- Restaurants
- Pest Control
- Ecotourism
- Landscaping
- Noise Control
- Ecotourism
- Ways Hotels and Restaurants are Helping to Save our Planet
- Marketing
- Community
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Travel to Meetings
- Green Hotel Management Style / Recycling
- Food Service
- Meeting Rooms
- Hotel Guestrooms
- Other Green Questions
- Green Meetings
- Resources
- Giveaways / Gifts / Awards
- Ways Hotels and Restaurants are Helping to Save our Planet
- Conclusion